Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's been almost 4 months...

Steve still has vestiges of his GBS.  He confessed today that if he has to talk loudly for an extended period of time, that his jaw and chest start having that same sensation of muscle fatigue.  He still doesn't have reflexes in his elbow and knees.
Last week, on the 11th, we went to visit his dad at his dad's home.  His dad was lying on his right side with his left leg on the coffee table because then his left side didn't hurt so badly.  We took him on to the ER and an X-ray confirmed a broken rib.
While there, the attending ER physician recognized Steve.  Steve told him that he [Steve] had been in the ER in January with Guillian Barre.  After exchanging a few excited words, the doctor asked Steve to "get up and walk!"  The doctor was impressed with Steve's recovery.

Saturday, April 2, 2011