Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Out Patient Rehab and Steve Drives Again

Yesterday was Steve's first out-patient therapy session at Nesin Therapy near Crestwood Hospital.  He said it was a very in-depth assessment, and she explained in specific detail what she saw as his areas of focus.  His flexor muscles (from his thighs to his hips), his abdomen, and his shoulders are what his home exercises will help strengthen.  Steve was able to go up and down steps MUCH better today than yesterday.
We will return to Nesin one more time this week and three times next week.
We scheduled a service trip for his car weeks ago, so Steve tried driving today.  No incidents!
Another level of physical autonomy:  CHECK.
Another set of prayers lifted up:  CHECK CHECK.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 30. "Fastest Recovery Seen"

Steve said that he kept hearing from the techs and nurses that his recovery was the fastest recovery they'd ever seen.
This sign greeted Steve as we drove up, installed by Sandra and our church.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 29... Steve is coming home tomorrow.

I had my 'family education' today.  First off was the Physical Therapist - she asked Steve to show me how he can handle steps with a cane.  While Steve has done some tremendous, remarkable things these last weeks, he is still weak.  He gets very tired and has to rest frequently.
This video shows how he relies on the cane, especially on the down-step part.
I will have to help him on stairs that don't have rails (like our front porch) to keep him from losing his balance.  She agreed that Steve needed more therapy as an out-patient to strengthen his muscles (leg, abdomen, and back) and ordered Steve a walker.  A special walker, with a seat that could be a table...
Meeting number 2 was with the Occupational Therapist, who told Steve that she hated to see him go.  She was proud of his progress and his work ethic was superb; she did not recommend any additional Occupational Therapy.  My oh-so-social husband (see the tongue in my cheek?) was chatting with some of the other patients, and shaking hands with other therapists since it was his last day there.
Meeting number 3 was with the nurse.  She also seemed sad/glad to see Steve leave.  She listed each of his medicines that he would get on discharge, each one having a 30 day prescription.  Dr. Young's young doctor-protege came in to say that Steve's regular doctor would receive the chart of Steve's stay at Huntsville Hospital and at HealthSouth.  We need to set up an appointment to discuss the diagnosis, meds and treatment.  She also wants Steve to have a follow-up meeting with the original neurologist, Dr. Nadella.
The last visit was with the case manager, who discussed each therapist's/nurse's notes and made final recommendations.  Steve will have out-patient therapy two or three times a week at Nesin Therapy, which is closer to us off of Whitesburg Dr.
There was a panel discussion, and it was agreed that Steve could return to work on March 7th.
I will arrive Tuesday morning (after I get the 6 month handicap hang-tag from the license department) and will load 'em up and move 'em out.

So ladies and gentlemen, I will probably post sporadically from now on, when I have interesting info or a great photo.  We've received so many blessings (Gladys, Jennifer and Cindy tackled the potato spawn in my pantry. THANKS).  We have a mantle full of cards.  We have felt the warmth of prayers. We have seen the generosity of friends and family. We have seen God.  There are not enough superlatives to describe His love, His mercy, His guidance... He is good, all of the time.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 27. Getting the house ready for Steve to come home.

John Cranston and Steve Sutton dropped by today to move the heavy stuff for me. We got the recliner moved out to the living room, which was my main goal.
Laura Aquila has offered to help organize some food and cleaning. I had opened the pantry looking for cereal and discovered a potato with a 4 inch root. HELP.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 26.

Here's a photo of most of the cards and baskets that Steve has gotten.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 25. Talking about next week...

Steve has the choice of home health or a facility run therapy. The doctors are going to discuss it and give a recommendation. Steve prefers a facility because of access to equipment, but we will see how it turns out. Steve walked 500 feet with a cane today. He continues to work on leg and hip strength. He worked up a sweat on the arm machine and did several reps of sit-stands, leg lifts, leg swings, etc.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 23, Shufflin' Down the Corridor

When I asked "what's new" today, Steve said that he actually walked while holding the walker off the floor.  It's difficult though, since he doesn't have hip strength yet.  He will lean to a side and shuffle the other leg forward, put weight on it, lean the other way, lather, rinse, repeat.  He admitted that it was very tiring.
We talked about what was needed for his homecoming.  I will have to rearrange some furniture, take up the area rugs I have scattered about, etc.  Steve doesn't think he will need a ramp on the front porch.  I am going to buy a few items for the tub.  This time next week is going to be a celebration.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 22. Lee "Lightfoot" Edwards helps again!

I started running fever after church yesterday, so I put myself to bed.  Lee took Steve to the dentist to get Steve's crown replaced.
Steve just called me to let me know that he will probably be discharged from HealthSouth to home on Tuesday, February 22nd.  I don't know if he will have home health care, since I missed the family evaluation meeting this morning.

Be still oh restless soul of mine
Bow before the prince of Peace
Let the noise and clamor cease
Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know that He is faithful
Consider all that He has done
Stand in awe and be amazed
And know that He will never change

Be still and know that He is God
Be still
Be speechless

Be still and know that He is God
Be still and know He is our Father
Come rest your head upon His breast
Listen to the rhythm of
His unfailing heart of love

Beating for His little ones
Calling each of us to come
... - Steven Curtis Chapman

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 20, May I Join Your Group?

Steve was able to join in with some group therapy today. He walked several hundred feet and got to practice on the stair stepper.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 19. Valentines Banquet, Tooth Crowns, and Grandpa's Billfold

The good news first: Steve walked 650 feet with a walker and a tech alongside. And in the continuing saga of "what's new today?", Steve is now able to lean forward and stand up from a sitting position.
I had gone to Steve's dad's house to check on Grandpa. I have not been over there since Steve got sick. Grandpa was messin' with the truck, running the engine, trying to "make it keep a charge." We went inside, talked about a few things, and I left. Not long afterwards, Grandpa called me, wanting to know if I'd seen his billfold. No, but Joel was able to find it: in yesterday's pants.
Steve called me with the unhappy circumstance of a loose crown. He'd managed to push it back on, but he's worried that he might swallow it. Our dentist is closed on Fridays, and we were not sure how to work out him even getting out of the rehab building to see the dentist. Dr. Young said that the procedure is to make an emergency appointment, and Steve would get a pass to go. So on Monday, we will try to get his crown replaced, or at least get the process started.
Lastly, tonight is our church's Valentines Banquet, and Jim McFarlen is cooking. We both hate the fact that we are missing the fun and the food. Just wait'll next year!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 18, Second Day in Rehab

Steve 'walked' 200 feet today... with a walker while being followed by a wheelchair.  He does arm lifts and arm cranks for arm and hand strength.  He has three areas that need strengthening:  his legs, shoulders and abdomen.  The doctor said again that each person's recovery is unique.  No one knows but God when Steve's recovery will be complete.  And no amount of work will make the recovery go faster.  Because Steve was immobile for so long, he has to build those muscle groups back.  Then, when the nerves are healed, the muscles will be ready.  As I told my sister Molly, there's no indication that the healing has happened; there's no 'power surge', no instant strength, no sweeping orchestral music score to let the audience know that something wonderful has happened. Steve just discovers he is able to do something today that he couldn't do yesterday.
People have been asking what kind of room Steve has in rehab.  Here's his current room.  He shares "facilities" with an adjoining room.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 17 and it's the first full day of rehab

Steve told me about his day as he sat in a chair.  Sitting in a chair is also part of his recovery, and he "has to work at it" too.
The evaluation process took all day.  He was poked, prodded, wheeled, and the coup de grace was being able to walk, with a walker, 74 feet.  With a normal stride (well, pretty close to a normal stride).  Steve wanted to see how far he could actually go, but fatigue and muscle shudders made him stop.  Not bad.  Dr. Young did a quick visit.
The snowfall started coming down fast and furious, so I left before it got bad.  The temperatures were falling quickly.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 16 (And holding my breath)

Dr. Young came in and has given permission to move Steve to rehab... hopefully by this afternoon...

Steve is at HealthSouth Rehab facility on Governors Drive.
Visiting hours:
Monday - Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday & Holidays: 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 15

Well, Steve may not move to the rehab until later in the week.  But Steve did walk about 5 feet today! And the Frankenstein-prosthesis has been removed, thank God!  The plasmapheresis treatments are over.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 14, To stand or not to stand, that is the question

I walked in Steve's room this morning, and the physical therapists had Steve standing with a walker.  Steve was concentrating, with sweat on his brow, but he was standing.  He'd pulled a muscle in his back during Friday's PT, and he was having some twinges.  He stood for several minutes before sitting back down on the edge of the bed.  When asked if he could move to a chair, Steve said, "I could probably get there ok but I might not be able to get up again." They tried several techniques on him.  One was for him to close his eyes and let the therapist punch-poke him in different areas and for him to react in time to not fall over but actually resist the punch.  He did very well.
The doctors are still talking about Steve moving to HealthSouth Rehab facility on Tuesday.  The PT's and nurses all warn Steve that he is going to have rigorous PT once he gets there.  We are cautiously thrilled.
One last edit:  the nurse that came in late Sunday night said that she has seen several patients with GBS, but Steve has recovered the fastest of all.  She has never seen anyone recover as quickly as Steve has. *high fives God*

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 13, Our church loves us

I have to give thanks to God for the loving help that West Huntsville has given us.  The visits, the CARDS, the DVDDVDDVDDVDDVD's, the crispy one dollars bills for tokens, the stamps, the emails, but most of all the prayer covering.  As John Cranston said, heaven was barraged with Steve Call's name.  I give credit to an ALL IN God, those prayers, and the undeniable determination of Steve for Steve's miraculous recovery.  While some who have this disease get so paralyzed that they cannot move anything but their eyes, Steve was allowed to not even need a respirator.  Thank you, Jehovah Rapha, the One Who Heals.
I was texting my sister Jane and Terri when Steve was in the ER, and Jane sent back a short description of Guillain-Barre' Syndrome.  When I looked at the name "Guillain" my Decatur-brain saw "Gilligan". Then later, Joel and I started talking about "moving to another island" and that's when I came up with the name of the blog.  Of course, some of you are not old enough to know about Gilligan's Island.  Let's just say that none of the 'castaways' ever had a bad hair day.
Thanks also to Kaye McFarlen and Ken Helphand who have stayed with Steve for me to get some time home.  Ranger needs a little attention, too.  Thanks to Patricia Jeffreys, Dawne Douthit, Cindy Kosanda, Steve Junkins and the Wyle CAS group (best ever!), Sandy Brown et al, Kim Schneider, Frances Zimmerman, and a small multitude of others to have fed me, let Ranger out, brought bottled water, visited with me and Steve, exchanged emails with me... May God Almighty richly bless you all.  As God has comforted me, may He comfort you with HIS comfort, may He bless you out of HIS riches.
John Cranston brought a group of men from the church to help with the Christmas light removal.  Lee "Lightfoot" Edwards climbed on the roof.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 12, continued

Steve's sister Sally dropped by for a visit this afternoon while I went home for a nap. When I got back, a rep with HealthSouth had stopped by to initiate a conversation about a rehab facility. I believe it's the same place Renate went to after her fall. Preliminary talk looks like late next week he will be discharged from the hospital to go there. Not sure how long yet. My visiting hours will go back to a strict schedule, but I am encouraged.
Steve has to inhale with this machine to keep his lungs from getting pneumonia.

Day 12, First Morning in the Regular Room

Steve had quite a few nurse visits last night. I counted 9 separate visits between 11pm and 4am.  But this morning, he was able to lift both arms all the way over his head and rested them on the pillow behind his head.  The nurse said that the physical therapists were supposed to get him into a chair today.
The day after a treatment and some pain meds are the best times for Steve.  Immediately following a plasmapheresis treatment, Steve is generally nauseous, anxious, restless...  He still complains about his left hip, but he thinks it may have been a result of the physical therapy since he is stronger on his left side.  The MRI's and CAT scans of his back on that first day back in January showed no trouble in his back, so it's not a spine issue.
The nurse said rehabilitation for the first time today.
Steve fed himself breakfast.  He almost cleaned the whole plate before he got tired of holding the fork.
This was dinner the night before.
Steve actually stood for the first time in 12 days.  I had to drop off some paperwork at Steve's office.  When I came back into the hospital room, the physical therapists were standing on either side of him as Steve stood next to a piece of machinery.  The machine lets you rest your elbows on a rubber arm and your hands hold on to controls.  Then the machine will lift your arms and balance you while you stand up. The best description for the machine is that it resembles a Tour de France bicycle handle-bars.  You rest your arms on top and hold the vertical part to steer.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 11 SALUTE!!

Steve was moved to a regular room!
He did have another plasmapheresis treatment, 30 minutes after they'd moved him.  The treatments continue to take twice as long, about 3 1/2 hours total.  He comes back very nauseous and his left hip hurts him so much he wants me to rub it.  The nurse came in and said to NOT rub it, because of the danger of blood clots.  I had to be gentle, but gentle doesn't relieve the pain.
Steve did eat all of his barbecue, half of his mashed potatoes and all of his jello.  But the treatments are taking a toll.  I know that tomorrow Steve will not only feel better, but he will have more movement, more therapy, more progress.  Steve just hurts right now and cannot get past the pain to think about tomorrow.
The hemotologist, Dr. Mathews, came in while I was there.  Steve expressed his anxiety about the treatments and Dr. Mathews suggested a medicine (Ativan) that Steve can have before the treatments that will help.  My sister Jane told me that chemotherapy patients get this same medicine while they are undergoing their chemo, to help with the nausea and calm them down:  she'd had it herself.  I know that Steve will be relieved to hear that the pre-treatment medicine will help.
The neurologist wants Steve to have two more plasmapheresis treatments.
Steve missed his physical therapy sessions, drat.

Day 10, You Must Salute To Leave

Today has started much better.  Steve got more rest last night, and Kim was able to come in and visit/pray with us.  When she left, Steve's lunch arrived simultaneously with the speech therapists.  They watched me feed Steve, and their evaluation was that Steve is perfect, no problems swallowing, chewing or talking.
Dr. Young also came in while I was there.  He has put Steve on an anti-coagulant to prevent blood clots and says that it should not interfere with his platelets at all.  With the new drug, they have taken the pump-cuffs off of his calves (which made Steve very happy).
Dr. Young wanted to see muscle response.  He told Steve that Steve could leave ICU when Steve could salute him.  Steve managed to lift his elbow off of the bed by pressing his shoulder back and using his triceps to lift the elbow straight up.  Today he lifted a full five inches, the most ever.  Dr. Young was very encouraging to Steve, but there is no date yet as to when he will be out of ICU.
I sent that new progress to my sister, Jane.  This was her response text:
"Salute! Forgive me, but a picture comes to mind from the old movie No Time For Sergeants where the character made all the toilet lids snap up to attention!"
That character would be Andy Griffith, who also suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome when he was 57.  Steve is 56.
Steve still needs to work on his salute, but he is able to hold the iPad with it propped on his leg without too much trouble.  He was able to reach over and pick up his ice water off of the table and put it back.  Yes it had a lid, but the motions are what count here.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 9

Steve didn't rest well. The window blew open during the night, and the hospital items on the window ledge all fell off with a clatter. The nurse didn't know that the window could open. They tried to make it up to him by getting him a 6" Subway meatball sandwich. We made it an open faced sandwich so he didn't have as much bread (carbs). The lunch meal was pork roast slices with apples, roasted potatoes, green beans, a wheat roll and applesauce. I came back at 4:30 for a visit, and walked into an empty room. Has he been moved to a regular room, perhaps???
Alas, no. Now that he is stable, they took him to the dialysis room for his treatment. I went to wait in the waiting room.
No call, so I left at 6pm.  At the 8:30 visit, Steve was back in the room.  The plasmapheresis took longer than expected because of the line in his neck.  He got back into his room at 7pm (he left for the treatment at 2pm).  His dinner was cold and one of the nurses fed him.  He is not feeling very well, and the nurse suspects the treatment.  Steve's platelet levels are back into the 150,000's and his white blood count is down.  Those are good.  Since the treatment took so long, Steve missed the doctors' visits as well as the occupational therapists.  His arms and legs get so tired of not moving, if that makes sense.
He was able to lift both elbows off of the bed, about 2 inches up.  I am trying to get him to wiggle his shoulders and hips.  He can lift his shoulders up and down, no problem.  I think he would love a spa treatment.
He was tired so I didn't stay long.
We got A BUNCH of DVD's from people at church.  He has some interesting TV viewing waiting for him!
When I missed seeing Steve at the 4:30 visitation time, I left the hospital.  I joked later that the ICU owed me a token.  When I came back at 8:30, I put my $2 in the machine and TWO TOKENS came out.  God is good.  All of the time.