Thursday, March 17, 2011

He Put the Cane Away

He went to work without his cane, as a test.  He is still  'c  a  r  e  f  u  l' going down stairs.  The cane is in the umbrella stand if/when he needs it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Latest development

Steve was able to stand up from a full squat using only his legs. He continues to work full time, and this may be his last week of therapy.
The neurologist said that Steve's progress was average.

Monday, March 7, 2011

First Day of School, I mean, Work

Steve went back to work after being gone for 42 days. He was there for the full day. His co-workers had a big "Welcome Back" sign on his office door, and had brought him a cake and "smiley face" balloons!
He gave a short synopsis of what had happened to him, the he then headed to work. Steve had told me before he'd left this morning that he was dreading his email inbox. But he had to go through some iterations of upgrades to the operating system before he could even get to the mailbox. He was busy, but it felt great, he said. He's resting quietly.
Inbox emails = 220+

Friday, March 4, 2011

Small improvements

Steve can 1) cross his legs without swinging for momentum first and 2) he can get off of the ground using only his legs and cane. Let me 'splain.
Have you ever seen the movie The Princess Bride? When Wesley had been mostly dead and the trio was getting ready to storm the castle, Wesley had to swing his shoulders to sling his hand up. That was what Steve had to do to cross his legs: swing for momentum.
Steve has been working on using his legs with control. He would go up the steps looking like a cross between a stiff-legged Frankenstein monster and the robot from the old Lost In Space show with wildly swinging arms. Steve has been worried about falling and being unable to get back up. The therapists have been helping but Steve continued to struggle. Today at therapy and twice at home, Steve was able to push up from the floor with his legs using the cane as a prop and for balance. It deserves applause.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look Ma, No Cane!

Steve walked up our front porch steps without a cane.  It was barely controlled, but he made it. He still struggles with lifting his legs especially getting in/out of my car, and he cannot use only his legs to stand from a low-ish chair.  His shoulders are mobile, but I won't let him pour himself a glass of tea from a full jug -- jiggling jugs generate splatters.